GEC School strives to be affordable and accessible for everyone and is pleased to offer 3 financial assistance options to help cover the tuition of the school.
Ohio EdChoice Traditional
Your child may be eligible if:
- They are assigned to attend a Public School that is underperforming, or
- If they reside with a certified foster family.
Ohio EdChoice Expansion
Fill out an application for each student EVERY year. Once the application form has been submitted, fill out the income verification form online.
Award amounts vary based on income and family size
Step 1: Request or print off Ohio EdChoice application. Complete and send to GECS financial aid Coordinator, Mrs. Oksana Trofimova at
Step 2: Mrs. Trofimova will submit your application to the State of Ohio.
Step 3: Income Verification- Parent/Guardian is responsible to complete if needed. All first time new request applications and if your family is at or below 200% Federal Poverty Line.
Use Online Process to submit your information. NOTE: If you are experiencing issues accessing the EdChoice Income Verification System in OH|ID, you may use this link to access the application system. You will need to have an existing OH|ID account for the link to work. If you do not have an existing OH|ID, you may create an account and login using the Open My Apps button on the Portal Help page. After you login, under Web Systems, click Application Request. Change the Application to Income Verification in the dropdown box and click submit*. After a moment your screen should reload with access to the Income Verification tile. *If the dropdown box under Membership Requested is blank or does not let you move forward, first request Scholarship under Application and then request Income Verification.
Step 4: When you receive an award letter from the State of Ohio( in July or August), please email a copy to or bring it to the main office.
Families are still responsible for the GECS operational fees as well as any tuition amount not covered by the scholarship. Past due bills need to be made current before filling out your renewal school year application.
GEC School Financial Aid
Reach out to the enrollment office to learn more information on how GEC School can assist you with tuition payments.